One of
the concepts that we talk about in terms of the origins of gridlock is the
political illiteracy of the American public. We can ask ourselves if
people who are misinformed about commonly accepted facts should be using their
beliefs to elect politicians that make decisions that affect all of us.
Additionally, the electorate can be misinformed to the point where it actively
supports politicians that want to do away with programs that they depend on.
In a
recent New York Times article entitled “Even Critics of Safety Net Depend on ItIncreasingly,” the author argues that the number of citizens dependent on
government programs has gone up along with those who believe we should decrease
government spending on such programs. In a competitive primary season in which
all of the GOP candidates offer some flavor of reducing spending and cutting
taxes, this dynamic is crucial. The author goes on to state, “support for
Republican candidates, who generally promise to cut government spending, has
increased since 1980 in states where the federal government spends more than it
collects. The greater the dependence, the greater the support for Republican
candidates.” The cognitive dissonance of decrying those who benefit from public
programs while actually receiving those same benefits is examined in personal
interviews in the article. There is even a marvelously intriguing map offederal funding throughout the states and its change over time. The
traditionally red states do receive a lot of federal funding and one can only
wonder if their future Republican nominee will reflect the needs of their
does raise a couple of questions in terms of its relation to gridlock. If we’re
going to elect officials that make decisions about the roles of government
programs, should we be aware of them ourselves? Has the concept of government
spending become so polarized in modern politics that it can only be
characterized in a false dichotomy between wasteful handouts and an appeal to common
decency? How much of this phenomenon outlined in the article is a reflection of
individual interests and how much of it is a reaction to the rhetoric of the
two parties?
Great post. This is a fascinating article. No one was forcing the gentleman who opposed more government spending to cash his Earned Income Tax Credit check.